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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It is a “real fucking measurement,” just not one you use. 1 US teaspoon is approximately 5 ml.

    I recognize that US measurements are stupid and don’t make any sense to those who don’t use them, i.e. the entire rest of the world, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t real measurements.

    Don’t get me wrong, I totally wish I didn’t have to have a chart giving me conversions between teaspoons, tablespoons, and cups on my fridge, but recipes in the US are all in our dumb measurements so it’s what we’re used to. I also wish everything would be measured by weight instead of volume, but here we are.

  • From the little I’ve seen of discussions, it depends on the implementation. I haven’t looked at the details yet, but apparently there are some groups who require at least an initial animal biopsy, and I think someone said something about some growth mediums requiring animal exploitation as well.

    Then there’s the animal testing side of things.

    Since both health and animal rights matter to me, I have no interest in consuming the stuff. If a commercially viable company emerges that can make these meats without any animal exploitation or suffering though, then I might recommend them to others.

    I respect this position.

    At a certain point I wonder if it will start to seem similar to what I say to anti-choicers (specifically the ones who believe killing an embryo is murder) about drugs developed using embryonic stem cell channels. If years from now they’re still growing off of an initial biopsy taken years before, then the initial harm done is surely outweighed by the harm reduction that came from it. That is to say, a reduction in factory farming and animal slaughter is worth a biopsy. Or even an initial slaughter.

    Just like I would encourage my anti-choice family members to get their vaccines and continue to take ibuprofen (and basically every other drug, because most use stem cell lines in their development), I would encourage vegans and vegetarians at the very least not to oppose lab grown meat. But of course you can eat whatever you want.

    (Obviously I am not saying you have to agree with me, this is just where I might fall depending on the realities that are eventually reached with lab-grown meat.)

  • One time when I was in middle school I started playing RuneScape, and there was this helpful guy hanging out in the starting area. He told me he could get me better gear if I followed him. He took me to the wilderness and killed me and stole all my stuff. I didn’t really know anything about the game so I thought that without my precious starting gear I would be lost, so I started a new account.

    And then once I had played a lot and understood the game better, I made a bunch of sets of steel armor and food and I hung out in the starting area and gave it out for free to new players. Because fuck that guy. I decided I would take his evil and turn it into kindness.

    I honestly don’t know what he had to gain, the starting gear is worthless. Maybe he just liked fucking people over.

  • The “fake meat” they are referring to is lab grown from the living cells of animals not vegetable amalgamations made to imitate meat.

    Depending on an individual’s reasons for following a vegan or vegetarian diet, lab-grown meat may very well be okay.

    If their reasons are nutrition based, sure, they should avoid lab-grown meat.

    If their reasons are based in the ethics of raising animals for slaughter, factory farming, or the carbon footprint and/or food and water waste involved in raising an entire animal just for parts of it to be food, then lab-grown meat might be fine in their mind.

  • I think it’s wild you’ve been downvoted for this. Clearly these people haven’t read the article.

    On Thursday, Rodgers did not deny the comments he made to Brown or the other source, but said on X, “As I’m on the record saying in the past, what happened in Sandy Hook was an absolute tragedy. I am not and have never been of the opinion that the events did not take place. Again, I hope that we learn from this and other tragedies to identify the signs that will allow us to prevent unnecessary loss of life. My thoughts and prayers continue to remain with the families affected along with the entire Sandy Hook community.”

    You can’t sue someone for defamation if they’ve never publicly defamed you. Otherwise I could just find someone to start claiming you said shit back in 2013 and sue you.

    I’m not saying he didn’t say it. Or that he isn’t a piece of shit. I’m saying his public position on the issue has never been that it was fake, unlike Alex Jones.