I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • Well I mean if it wasn’t for Steve Jobs we probably wouldn’t have had iPods, iPhones, Macs etc. but besides some individual design choices it’s not like it was he personally who made them. I still think it’s still reasonable for him to have much of the credit. You can change half of the engineers and designers and still end up with the same product but if you change Steve then you wont. I think this pretty much applies to the stuff Elon is doing aswell. It’s not him building and placing the implants but without him there wouldn’t be implants to begin with.

  • If I remember correctly the total wind power capacity is around 5000MW but solar is much lower even though it is a viable option here as well excluding the darkest winter months. Even if we had the capacity to store infinite amount of energy there still would need to be an extremely high and diverse amount of production if we were to go 100% to renewables. Even with a million windmills you still couldn’t match demand on calm days and alternatively when it’s windy there would be an insane amount of excess production.

    I’m not against energy storage in any way. The technology is fascinating. It’s just that I don’t see what you’re suggesting as an viable near term solution to the energy needs in my country. We need more nuclear. I don’t agree with the claim that it’s somehow particularly risky. Even less so the more modern plant we’re talking about.

  • I live in Finland. At winter time there’s effectively zero solar energy production and more often than not the coldest days are also the calmest. On days like this the price of electricity skyrockets because closer to half of the energy production is down and we’re entirely dependent on nuclear and hydro power. It’s also when the need for heating is the highest. Conversely on a warm windy days the price of electricity sometimes falls to negative because of the massive amount of wind farms generating at full power.

    It’s not in any way unlikely scenario. It happens every single time the wind stops blowing at winter. For example literally at the moment of me writing this. Wind energy production is 57MW and Solar 2MW (granted that it’s dark outside). Hydro 2000MW and nuclear 3000MW

  • Deviating from the group narrative is the major one.

    The content of your post doesn’t really matter if you’re making the right sounding noises. As long as you somehow indicate that you’re “one of us” then you’re probably safe. If you talk shit about Facebook/AI/Elon Musk/Capitalism/Police etc. it doesn’t really matter if what you’re saying is literally true. If you’re speaking to the right audience you’re going to get pats on the back nevertheless. Conversely when someone like me then comes and points out that no, Elon Musk actually did not turn off Starlink in Crimea to prevent the Ukrainian attack I’m guranteed to get downvoted for it despite the fact that I’m correct.

    I’m guessing the two mains reasons people downvote comments like that are cognitive dissonance; refusal to accept new information that goes against your prior beliefs and alternatively the false assumption that if someone is in any way defending an unpopular person/idea they then must be one of the “other” and thus we can dissmiss what they say without even considering it.

  • My guess is that the answer will be unintuitive. For many people regular work schedule is what the rest of their life is built around. If you remove the need for work eveything else falls apart too and this would derail the lifes of the vast majority of humanity. Ofcourse there’s some number of people that do have interesting hobbies and other projects that could take the place of their previous job but for many people this is not the case and they would now just be sitting around with nothing to do and no purpose to their life.

    If I had to guess what the optimal situation would be it would be something like UBI + less work. UBI would give you the peace of mind to not have to constantly stress about your personal finances which would then allow you to choose a job you actually like doing and instead of doing it 8 hours a day 5 days a week you could perhaps work only 3 days or every day but just for 5 hours or so.