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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I still see the comment, so not sure what’s up:

    But basically it was pro Russian FUD explaining how the west has to be careful if they don’t want to get nuked. It painted Putin as the patron saint of restraint, of whom we should thank and bless for his benevolence. And if the West doesn’t reign in Ukraine, then we will face his wrath.

    My response highlights that whatever Putin’s motive for not nuking anyone is irrelevant. You open that Pandora’s box and all bets are off. It is untenable to allow a state to exist that will deploy nukes for a regional spat.

    This is the silver lining of nukes. They are so terrible that they can not be used.

  • I agree with everything you’ve said. Generally.

    I think it’s maybe telling that the character who popped into your head was from a film 30 years ago, though. Do you think it’s possible the availability has been on the decline in the last 30 years? Most of the young men who are being woo’d by this nonsense weren’t even alive when Jurassic Park was released.

    And I’m not saying good role models don’t exist, just that they’re discriminated against for airtime because they don’t score as highly in the recently popularized metric of “drives engagement” by the consolidated private media entities.

  • I think critism is fine.

    I think that the issue at a societal level is the lack of culturally elevated alternative role models.

    I think this is particularly a byproduct of engagement driven media algorithms. Viewpoints and the people who espouse them which drive engagement are algorithmically rewarded. These algorithms can’t tell the difference between toxic or not, and toxic viewpoints generally drive more engagement.

    There have always been forces which drive availability of viewpoints and personalities. When television was the primary form of media, it was TV execs. MTV decided what was cool.

    But there was also public programming which could drive these things for social benefit. PBS in the USA and CBC in Canada. Both of these are now “out” in terms of medium (television/radio), and they also don’t get the funding to be competitive anyhow.

    We ceded the space to “influencers” on the internet, governed by private companies , and we are reaping the benefits now.

    Even Hollywood is terrible. Ted Lasso is maybe the only culturally powerful representation of positive masculinity I can think of. And I think people were starving for it.

    So while I think critism is appropriate, I think exclusively laying it at the feet of the stupid indoctrinated masses is only half of it. Criticising a the capitalistic media system which abandoned these men is appropriate too.