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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • but let’s be honest, all it takes is one wedge issue to lose Progressives. They are not a vote worth pursuing

    and this advice, fellow internet peeps, is how you lose elections to fascists.

    Uh huh. I guess all those Progressives that refused to vote for Hillary because of the DNC scandal don’t count. Or all the progressives, who are very loudly declaring they won’t vote for genocide, don’t count. Or the california progressives currently decrying Adam Schiff’s (checks notes) attack ads on a Republican as actually designed to raise his name recognition so Schiffs progressive opponent would lose to a republican, don’t count.

    If you think all of the above are ridiculous reasons not to vote Dem in the general election, then you’re not the idiotic progressive fringe I’m talking about, and your vote is already secure.

  • I’ll disagree with that, as someone lemmy would classify as a moderate.

    We all know the Dems are the only adults in the room. We know they actually want to govern. We accept that the majority of them are corporate shills, but also want to improve things for the people as long as there’s not a direct conflict with corporate America.

    Most importantly, we recognize that the other party wants to pillage this country and burn down everything and hand it over to the filthy rich.

    If the Dems got into petty attacks on Republicans, you would not lose moderate voters. You may lose more Progressives, but let’s be honest, all it takes is one wedge issue to lose Progressives. They are not a vote worth pursuing. It’s getting more of the red vote, or at least creating voter apathy in the Right by branding all their politicians as the absolute clowns they are.

    20 years ago, I would say you were right. Being respectable was a draw. But actions speak louder than words, and the Republican’s actions for the last decade have been absolutely vile. Rhetoric won’t change that.

  • Man, can you fanboy any harder?

    Apple has some aggressive “in-club” style marketing and exclusivity practices.

    iMessage intentionally massively degrades user experience when a non-iMessage user is in the chat, to encourage their iPhone users to harass their friends into getting an iPhone too.

    The cruelty is the point. They want their users to ostracize their friends into converting friends and family to their platform.

  • Yep, people acting like it’s plausible for someone to retire and live the rest of their life renting a room, at the same income as they got fresh out of college.

    Plus they’re citing studys aimed at 35-40 years life expectancy, for someone retiring in their 20s, maybe early 30s.

    And in one breath will decry the inflation calculations being cited by the government to show we have a “healthy” economy. And in the next, try to pretend cost of living isn’t sky rocketing and someone can live the rest of their long life on 40k/yr.

    That’s lemmy for you, though. No point fighting the tide.

    Edit - also, I’m sure those studies probably included some amount of social security helping out, which you’re not getting if you retire in your 20s.