It’s like a prize in a Cracker Jack box, you come to expect it.
It’s like a prize in a Cracker Jack box, you come to expect it.
Unbelievably, YouTube channels still work with RSS readers. You can use an existing service, like Feedly, or host your own service and put links to all the channels you subscribe to into the same folder then sort by date.
Wonder is way more replayable than Mario Bros U, it’s also continuing to charm the heck out of me in a way that a Mario game hasn’t since Sunshine. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
They don’t have to use quite so much necrotic makeup on Keaton this time around.
at a bar
Civilian: “I dont get why you’re so bothered by it.”
NASA engineer: looks left, looks right, leans in close “Because it means their aim is getting better.”
Here’s a picture of me and my ex - a hotel hallway.
Chinese in Hong Kong agree with Chinese in China to make Hong Kong China.
For real? V For Vendetta.
It’s about time for me to watch it again.
When they said “Dicks out for Harambe,” this is not what they had in mind.
I’ve curated enough active communities to just browse Home every few hours. But if I’m curious, I browse All on occasion.
Both are set to Rising, and All excludes all subscribed communities.
I don’t know if you were waiting for a serious answer, but here you go.
Chakotay on Star Trek Voyager was played by Robert Beltran. Imhotep in The Mummy was played by Arnold Vosloo.
“Living determined to be the leading cause of dying.”
“Never attribute human rights violations to anything other than malice.” - me
“No no, that’s good! Everyone give Timmy a hand, he brought something edible this time.”
Potluck is best luck!
I was in the later years of elementary school when the American school system really started to become grossly underfunded.
I repeatedly heard my teacher grumbling about copy paper and lack of supplies. A coupe of times, my teacher complained to ME! Expressing how they were stressed out about not being able to get all the stuff they needed to teach and didn’t mean to snap at me like that. O_O
I really felt bad for them, they couldn’t do anything to stop it.
Are they both driving the same car?
Boy, I’m eating a lot of onions lately.
DOJ: “I showed you my lawsuit, please respond.”