The Stoned Hacker

Just passin’ through

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I am not trying to make you see another way. I do not believe there is another way. But to leap without looking is reckless; a true revolution — the likes of which would alter the course of human history in showing that a progressive, humanitarian, egalitarian, non-capitalist system could work — is a direct threat to the existing powers that be and they are fully willing to sacrifice the lives of the innocent to protect their power, even if it is what will destroy life as we know it. Such a revolution would require the support of the entirety of the proletariat, conservative, liberal, progressive, and all. That is why our current society has been herded to internal conflict and liberal identity politics [1^] as it divided us and prevents us from collaborating. Thus the struggle must not be viewed as against our fellow workers but against the system that oppresses us all. Yes many people will pose some amount of opposition, but the majority of the population is force fed neoliberal politics for good reason; to them, comfort, relative security, and peace and held to equivalence with freedom. Freedom to them is a freedom from fear, not a true freedom of self. Anything that threatens that terrifies them, and understandably so. But it is what has allowed this current system to rot so deeply, along with the massive investment into war.

    Additionally, any revolution in the USA is doomed to fail if it relies on conventional warfare. The populace is too well armed as are the police and military. Not to mention that the state is constantly collecting massive amounts of data to find threats to national security[2^]. A successful revolution must be done carefully and in a secret manner that manages to subvert the radar of the NSA, FBI, CISA, DOD, and countless other entities. This is simply not possible without the resources and power of a globally important country or a large conglomerate. Simply put, there is too much investment that must be done but has not happened. Anything less than this will fail and failure will serve as w deterrent for future revolutions. Unless the brutality of the empire is shown to be so abhorrent that the masses cannot tolerate it anymore, it will doom any forward progress for multiple years, if not decades.

    All of this is to say that I do not believe we have enough time to bring about the necessary change. We will not prevent nor stop the impending calamities; those curses have already been breathed by the factories and industries that chose profit over humanity. No revolution short of a global upheaval of power will stop the momentum of those. We must prepare for a world after, as that is when the sins of humanity will become to apparent to ignore. Until then, there is still good that may be done and there is work to do in preparing for and mitigating the worst of what will come. The future may be bleak at times, but what you get out if it is what you make out of it. One person can do quite a lot in their lifetime, especially if dedicated to a cause.

    1. I do not mean like blue haired liberals, but neoliberal politics; I also do not mean identity politics in the academic sense and context of international intersectional feminism, but in the context of how identity politics is used colloquially.
    2. Including this thread and discourse, which is probably being filed as something of minor interest but low risk or severity.

  • Having taken a look at your post history, I don’t really think you’re actually radical enough to pull off what you think you can pull off. I think you’re just an angry person without an outlet and are choosing to externalize your emotions towards politics than actually work on yourself.

    Why do I say this? Because I whole heartedly believe that direct, forceful, and violent actions are necessary to fix the way things are. Your methodology is just idiotic. Eliminating 10% of the conservative vote won’t change a thing because you’re more heavily radicalizing the other 90%. You are making martyrs and validating the persecution complex that they claim exists. You have no reproach to what happens afterwards, nor do you acknowledge that yes they are people. There are conservatives who want constructive change and simply are more skeptical of progress than not, and there are those with the multitudes of brain rot. Will you be the judge, jury, and executioner of their lives? Will you be the arbiter of morals for an entire country? If not you, then who? Because someone will be, and revolution with no posthumous planning is doomed to fail because it creates a power vacuum for the worst types of people to fill. Almost every progressive revolution in the past century has failed because of this. From the Russian Revolution where the Bolsheviks were unhappy with the election results as took control of the government, to the Arab Spring which collapsed as iron-fisted individuals took charge.

    A true revolution takes a lot of planning, foresight, domestic and foreign support, resources, and buy-in from the people, amongst other things. It must be robust such that the provisional governmental structure that transitions from the revolution to proper statehood cannot be corrupted before, during, and after the revolution. A true revolution does not seek to eliminate your enemies in their entirety (especially not if they’re your fellow countrymen with differing ideals; that’s genocide) but to separate you from them so you may have your own self determination. It is a push for freedom, and as such it is also the most authoritarian act you can take. A revolution not only frees but it imposes that freedom on everyone else who is not involved. This may seem like a no-brainer, but not everyone thinks that way. Simply calling for a violent revolution is idiotic because all you’re doing is worsening the situation. There is so much more that must be done to even plan such a feat and here you are saying that it must be done now. I agree that time is slipping away, but your approach is juvenile and not based in reality.