• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • I went to clown school, lived my 20s as an actor, now work in marketing for a software company.

    But I’m still an actor. Can’t talk about a lot of my achievements without doxxing myself - but some world firsts, imdb credits, awards, etc

    My day job bought me a house, my other job bought me life skills, enjoyment, friends, a sense of worth, achievement and happiness.

  • I didn’t say men can’t discuss issues, (i wasnt even saying whether they should) I’m saying that for any sensible, reasonable definition of what “modern feminism” is (what does that even mean?), there is no correlation to “men can’t discuss these things,” and no prominent, published authors, scholars or journalists are saying such things - outside of tabloids, looking to score rage clicks.

    In my experience it’s the very opposite.

  • No.

    I’d much rather actually discuss the points raised. I was interested to discuss whether the person I was replying to (might be you - can’t tell on mobile) thought that what they said reflected all feminist thought, and whether that was current, new, or had always been there since Wollstonecraft etc

    Do you really want to go into the difference between the “notallmen” epithet and the concept that because someone accuses a group of something does not mean that they are guilty of it nor does it mean that group is a monolith? The conversation seems fairly straightforward and doesn’t really need elaborating on. But I guess if you genuinely did have questions about the difference between “notallmen” and “accusing a group of something they didn’t do” I’d be willing to attempt to answer reasonable questions on the topic.

  • modern feminism does imply that men can’t really talk about issues?

    not to be all “source?” but — source?

    This statement feels full of selection bias. Let’s assume Angela Davis literally said this, does that mean Judith Butler agrees?

    But I imagine it’s more that this was said by a semi-anonymous rage bait account on a social media platform.

    That’s not to say such things aren’t hurtful - they are - but in the same way FirstnameBunchOfNumbers on Twitter says stupid shit all the time - eg all unions are all always bad and are literally communism - that doesn’t speak for the entirety of tradespeoples.

  • at some point you have to trust something

    I trust the floor of my bedroom to be there when I get up in the dark.

    I trust my wife not to change the locks on the house when I’m out or not to murder me in my sleep

    I trust my friends not to falsely accuse me of horrible crimes to the police

    I trust the starbucks drive through is real and not a fake starbucks pretending to be starbucks

    any one of these things could “fool” me at any time, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.

    however, what I never trust is that there is a secret to get ahead quickly. Whatever it is, it’s always slow, expensive, with a lot of paperwork, requires practice and expertise, and will go wrong several times.

    so if someone gave a hundred grand to someone who wasn’t a known financial institution expecting a massive return on their investment with no paperwork, I would say they were foolish. If they were a close friend / relative, I’d commiserate and use kinder language to their face, something along the lines of they’ve got to take better care of themselves and their finances.- because I am a kind person. Some people believe in tough love. I believe such a concept is to be used very sparingly.