• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • It’s been a while, but I’d say Divinity is even deeper from memory.

    DND seems like a lot of choices because you need to decide which class/subclass your take, and while you can multi class, it gets real confusing.

    In Divinity everyone levels up the same and gets the same amount of upgrade points, you can just do whatever.

    You don’t need to min/max multiclass to make sure you’re maximizing feats or crazy stuff. You just use your points to get what you want.

    So, in ways simpler, but in other ways more complex.

    DnD locks them down, which may be why they’re moving away from it.

  • As long as they think Dump has any value or reason to be in politics …

    It’s not just people that agree with them either.

    The DNC and Hillary’s 2016 campaign were fucking stoked about trump and tried to find ways to help him shit on other Republicans.

    Because they knew when the only other option is trump, they can run as shitty candidate as they want and still have a shot.

    So far they’re 1/2, and I can’t believe they’re will to try it again. We’re wasting easy elections to get old out of touch “moderates” in office. We could just run a candidate that agrees with Dem voters and have a huge victory.

    But that pisses off wealthy donors, and since it cost over a billion dollars for Biden to barely beat trump last time, Biden and the DNC want to keep do ors happy.

    And they’re hoping voters won’t ask why we’re running a candidate that can’t beat trump for under a billion.

  • Anyone else remember what the Republicans did when Hillary Clinton proposed sweeping healthcare reform during her husband’s presidency?


    Modern Dems are pretty much republicans from 20 years ago.

    That’s exactly the problem with the standard for the only other option to republicans being “only 90% as bad as republicans”.

    Republicans will keep getting worse.

    But what elected office did Hillary hold back then?

    Did she have any political power? Or was her saying that just a way to try and score points without any obligation to voters?

    Like, that’s your best example:

    A presidents wife 30 years ago said she was progressive on healthcare! Ignore how conservative she was the multiple times she ran for office in the following decades! Ignore all the words and actions of any politician who actually had the power to do anything!

    80 fucking years that moderates and republicans have been stalling universal healthcare.

    It’s never going to happen unless we replace both groups.

  • you have to get voters that are as close to your opponent as possible

    That is one of the dumbest opinions I’ve ever heard, but don’t feel bad, the people running the DNC share it too.

    Some of us are just in the “sweet spot” where we’re old enough to remember 08 Obama but young enough the normal mental effects of aging haven’t made us forget yet.

    Obama was the furthest from center Dem we’ve ran in decades, and he was flipping red states all over.

    What you said just isn’t based in reality, it’s just what neoliberals have been repeating for 30 years over and over and over…

    It doesn’t make it true.

    Because whether the “moderate” candidate beats the Republican or loses, the neoliberals will always say whatever just happened is proof we need to be more conservative.

    All it’s led to is running a candidate that needs over a billion dollars spent to beat donald fucking trump in a presidential election.

    My dumb ass dog could beat trump. And he doesnt even have opposable thumbs. And there’s a very good chance Biden can’t beat trump twice.

  • What?

    This is par for the course.

    Pretty much every Abrahmic offshoot was started by someone who was completely insane.

    According to their own history, it all kicked off with Abraham killing family members because a voice in his head told him that anyone doubting the voice needs murdered.

    He was violent and insane and now literally billions and billions of people worship the voice he invented, and legitimately believe that if a voice in their head shows up telling them to do horrible shit, it’s probably cool because maybe it’s just God again.

    There is absolutely nothing surprising when a person who not only believes those fairy tales, but come from a family they may have spent thousands of years believing them, starts thinking theyre the next “special one”.

    Sure, most people dont actually believe in their own religions. But they pretend it’s real, and then the really crazy ones do shit like this.

    Being shocked this keeps happening is like asking why your car runs out of gas when you never put gas in it until after the tanks dry

    This is the rational result of what they’re doing.

  • Anyone else remember when we compromised down to a more conservative version than the Republican candidate wanted, so Dems said we need to keep voting for them so they could keep improving it?

    Joe Biden apparently doesn’t, even though he was right there in the White House.

    Because Biden and the rest of the neoliberals just start screeching anytime someone says American healthcare is still fucked. The absolute most we can hope for from them is nothing getting worse while they’re in office. But that’s not a given.

    Hell, 80+ years ago Social Security was supposed to be universal healthcare.

    For almost longer than Biden has been alive moderates have been saying Americans need to wait just a little longer.

  • Obviously it’s yes to both…

    But why would Biden wait for Republicans to do anything before he stops using my fucking tax dollars to pay for a genocide?

    What exactly about Trump being the worst president we’ve ever had makes Biden ok no matter what?

    Why the fuck do we always aim for “slightly better than the Republicans”?

    Do you think of we do that one day Republicans will magically get better?

    If not, we’re going to keep getting worse at the same fucking pace as republicans, just following behind them.

    How the f uck do so many people not understand any of this.

    Seriously, do you only plan your life 20 minutes ahead of time?