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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • You have to want to explore and you have to pay attention. The gameplay is casual but the progression is not

    I loved Outer Wilds but I’m surprised to see it get called out in this thread. I still recommend it but once you get like halfway through it’s very easy to spend an entire session making 0 progress and feeling like you “wasted” your night.

    There is NO handholding which I personally like in games but I wouldn’t say it respects your time…though I definitely wouldn’t say it doesn’t respect your time either

  • I’m no expert but it seems like the most efficient way with the given technology! The hops between routers are much less frantic than (I think) you’re imagining.

    To oversimplify, think of it like boxes in boxes where each box is a router.

    Your PC is in the first small box. It says “I want to connect to [IP]” and the box says “I don’t have that IP, let me ask the bigger box”

    The bigger box (your ISP) says “I don’t have it either, I’ll ask the big box”

    The big box says “I don’t have it but based on the address, I know it’s in this other big box”

    Other big box says the same thing and sends it to another small box. That small box has the PC you’re looking for and the packet is delivered!

  • (friendly reminder that I’m a newbie who doesn’t know how this works) we were going to take the first guy’s body back to town to find someone who could resurrect him but the spell only works on someone recently deceased so we left him propped up in a chair. Last night we “found” his new character trapped in the next room of the dungeon. After killing the bad guys, he revealed that he had a res spell and we were able to bring back both…but as a random race.

    The char that died last night was originally a gorillaman who was reincarnated as a spiderdude. His new incarnation is…a lizardguy.

    The first character was a human rogue brought back as…a human lol