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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Not the government directly, from my understanding the loan payment comes from the sale amount, before it is applied to the judgment. The property would end up being sold, then minus any outstanding debts on the property, and the remainder applies towards the judgment.

    Outstanding loans must still be repaid, creditors don’t get screwed just because it’s part of a court judgment and seizure, in fact they get an immediate return. Depending on the loan agreement, if there are prepayment penalties for those loans… those would likely apply as well.

    So it is technically possible it seems, with Trump’s fraudulent property valuations for loans, that he could end up with a negative overall return by selling various highly leveraged property. If they fraudulently valued something at say $600M and got a loan for $500M based on that… but the property is actually valued and sells for $300M, that loan would be underwater, like millions of American homes. He would still owe $200M for that loan, but would no longer have the property.

    If all of his properties are massively overvalued and highly leveraged against, he could end up with basically nothing left from this. Forced to declare personal bankruptcy and losing all the real estate. Court judgments for fraud very rarely can be discharged by bankruptcy, so while other debts might be discharged the penalties will likely all apply, regardless.

    I believe the sales would count as income for tax purposes next year as well. Just to be another kick in the nuts.

  • Black coffee and a latte are not the same product just because they both are coffee-based drinks. A latte doesn’t use brewed coffee at all, it uses espresso shots, and thus is mostly milk, not coffee. If you ordered a latte and got a cup of black coffee, that doesn’t even come close to what you ordered, unlike your hamburger/cheeseburger analogy where only the cheese of the difference

    Either way, Starbucks does provide a non-dairy alternative for their latte however already: oat milk, almond milk, and soy milk, but they charge for those alternatives and that is where the issue is.

    If they did not provide alternatives at all, or if they did not charge extra, there would be no issue. They either would have to remove the alternative options, which would reduce choice for everyone, or provide an alternative at no additional cost, which only eats into their massive profit margins a tiny bit. At wholesale bulk amounts like they buy, the cost difference is negligible for the product, and the markup on that substitution is insane.

  • I think a lot of people have no idea that many dairy alternatives are essentially the same price now. And that’s at a retail consumer level where the markups are biggest in the chain, bulk wholesale like what Starbucks pays would have an even smaller gap.

    People are assuming there’s a massive difference in price, that just doesn’t really exist anymore… And that also ignores the absolutely MASSIVE markup Starbucks has for their coffee in the first place. It definitely doesn’t cost Starbucks $.50 to use Oat milk instead of regular milk, but that’s what they might charge the consumer for the substitution in a $6 coffee that cost them maybe $0.50 to make.

  • Paid ads should not only need to be marked, but noticeably different in a timeline. Something obvious like a different post color.

    Twitter fits ads in the middle of content and just puts a little tiny “Ad” in the upper corner (on mobile at least) and at a glance scrolling through you can’t tell it’s an ad, other than all of their ads now being for some shady mobile game that lies about how it looks or crypto in various forms. Those should be required to have a different color background than actual user posts, not just a size 8 font “Ad” in the corner of the post on a 3.5" screen.

    In fact, let’s make it impossible to implement well, let’s take a page out of the NHTSA handbook and require the “Ad” text to be a specific real world size like they do with the car warning lights. Make them figure out what size it needs to be for various screen sizes and display DPI if they want to shove ads in the middle of content like it was user posts.

  • So don’t update in the middle of your work day. It literally pops up in the corner saying it needs a restart after installing what it can while the system is running, and you can delay it. It only forces a restart when you’ve delayed it several times already over multiple days.

    Most updates on my system are handled overnight, outside the active hours I’ve set in the settings. So it doesn’t affect my usage at all. I get on in the morning with a freshly updated system, and if I left apps open overnight, they are reopened where I left off. I only see updates when I tell it to update manually.

  • Same here. I don’t know what people that have all these issues are doing, but none of my systems or those of my friends and family have these issues.

    We also aren’t fucking around with the various random guides to “debloat”, mess with telemetry, eetc. however, so I can only assume that it’s things in those guides and programs that cause issues. For the people with enough technical knowledge to look for the guides but not enough knowledge to know what they do, or care enough to find out.

    The longest update I’ve had took about 15 minutes. My system never restarts in the middle of use to install updates, with the only exception when I was actively hitting the delay button for several days to see if I could force it to. And it finally did, after several days of it asking and me telling it no, and it still gave me a countdown to save my work. It did not randomly restart while in use without warning.

    Programs like candy crush, that had install links that were preinstalled (it’s not the full game, just a link to install it) I uninstalled like any regular app and they never returned. I use my system like a regular user, not mucking about blindly in the registry, and never run into these weird issues people complain about. I block telemetry I don’t want at the network level. The OS never knows and I don’t have to blindly trust random guides telling me to mess with things that aren’t intended to be messed with. The OS seems to work just fine with telemetry connections working but failing to connect, as would be expected and tested by MS. People messing with those things manually is not something they’d likely spend much, if any, time on testing.

    From my experience, many so-called “power user” complaints are caused by the user doing things they don’t understand, outside of what would be expected and tested.