Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • This is a great idea! Lock picking is fun and super impressive to laymen (haha).

    Just don’t tell anyone but your closest, most trusted friends (haha). Also, tell them to keep it a secret! Why? So your neighbor doesn’t knock on your door at 2AM because they locked themselves out of their apartment.

    Also, you don’t need cutaway locks! They’re neat toys but nothing more. What you really need is a variety of locks to play with.

    Head to your local hardware store and pick up a bunch of cheap locks. Or just ask friends if they have any old padlocks they’re not using (most people will have one or two).

  • Telemedicine is fantastic and an amazing advancement in medical treatment. It’s just that people keep trying to use it for things it’s not good at and probably never will be good at.

    For reference, here’s what telemedicine is good at:

    • Refilling prescriptions. “Has anything changed?” “Nope”: You get a refill.
    • Getting new prescriptions for conditions that don’t really need a new diagnosis (e.g. someone that occasionally has flare-ups of psoriasis or occasional symptoms of other things).
    • Diagnosing blatantly obvious medical problems. “Doctor, it hurts when I do this!” “Yeah, don’t do that.”
    • Answering simple questions like, “can I take ibuprofen if I just took a cold medicine that contains acetaminophen?”
    • Therapy (duh). Do you really need to sit directly across from the therapist for them to talk to you? For some problems, sure. Most? Probably not.

    It’s never going to replace a nurse or doctor completely (someone has to listen to you breathe deeply and bonk your knee). However, with advancements in medical testing it may be possible that telemedicine could diagnose and treat more conditions in the future.

    Using an Nvidia Nurse™ to do something like answering questions about medications seems fine. Such things have direct, factual answers and often simple instructions. An AI nurse could even be able to check the patient’s entire medical history (which could be lengthy) in milliseconds in order to determine if a particular medication or course or action might not be best for a particular patient.

    There’s lots of room for improvement and efficiency gains in medicine. AI could be the prescription we need.

  • I don’t see the issue. If the Republican party dies conservatives will just flock to a new party. It doesn’t happen very often in the US but such things have happened.

    Republicans were too accepting of extremists in order to win short term gains. Now they’re paying the price as moderates leave the party, making it even more extreme and unredeemable.

    They embraced an authoritarian and just like every authoritarian he won’t stand for criticism. Anyone that doesn’t support the authoritarian is out.

    If conservatives really want to have a political future they need to abandon the Republican party and make something new. Something that isn’t extremist. The problem with making that happen is they’re coming to find out that even their most fundamental beliefs–the things that make them conservatives–are what everyone else thinks of as extreme.