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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I also fail to understand how that addresses the infinite recursion with gods. I mean if there is something. And that requires a creator. Who created the creator? And who created that creator of the creator? I think I tend towards gnostic atheism. I’m pretty sure that the idea of god is a really stupid answer to that question. But I also know how science and knowledge works. So I technically wouldn’t claim to know, unless someone claim’s it’s a different thing for Russel’s teapot or the flying spaghetti-monster. That’s kind of the benchmark to tell if someone understands what I mean by agnostic atheist.

  • I think that’s a good take on things.

    Ultimately it still holds true. Information does want to be free. You just can’t mix that with misinformation, have everything on the same level and a general audience completely oblivious to the fact and uneducated.

    Things have changed. Back in those times it was a small elite on the internet. People who could afford computers and an internet connection and make some use out of it. You needed some amount of intelligence because you had to put some effort in to get online, learn about the tools because that wasn’t easy or provided to you. So you’d generally be at least somewhat intelligent if you ended up on the internet. And that’s beneficial when it comes to receiving unfiltered information. Combined with the fact that there were comparatively more academics and students, because that was the origin of the internet.

    And it wasn’t that common to push your agenda there or advertise for your skewed political views in the way people do it nowadays. Due to the nature of the internet and the amount of people there, it wasn’t worth the effort. You’d be better off focusing somewhere else where you could influence more people. So the dynamics were just different due to history and circumstances.

    Things have changed. Nowadays everyone is online all the time. It’s the place to influence people and make money. And that’s the other part of the problem. The actual people, connecting them and providing information to them (or to each other) isn’t what’s most of the internet is about, anymore. Motivations are gathering data about people and selling them, making people become addicted to your platform so they spend more time there and you can make more money. Everyone is competing for attention. And bad, emotional stories are what works best. Giving people the “simple truths” they seek instead of an intellectual and nuanced view. Factuality just gets in the way of all of that.

    I sometimes like to compare that to the Age of Reason / Enlightenment. Back then it was monarchs, bad dynamics and missing education. Now it’s big tech companies, bad dynamics and insufficient education. People need to get emancipated, educated and leave the current “immature state of ignorance” (to quote Kant.)

    Information and education are key. And the internet, algorithms and AI are just tools. They can be used for progress, or to enslave us. At least the internet has the potential (and was build) to connect people and provide a level playing field to everyone. But it can be used for a variety of different things. And choosing the right things isn’t something that can be solved by technology alone.

  • Entirely depends on the software you install on it?!

    I mean the OS and UI don’t give you “smartness”. And I’m not completely sure about the definition. I for example think it’s smart not letting big tech companies steal all your data. So I might choose a different OS and different Apps than somebody else.

    Concerning AI: I think ChatGPT runs on all of them. And I think all the assistants also run more or less in the cloud and don’t depend on the exact phone model. However, there are AI things that run on the phone itself. Camera picture enhancement and speech recognition for example.

    Manufacturers often advertise with new AI features and unlock them on their newest flagship models. So the answer to your question regarding AI in preinstalled apps is probably: The current most expensive flagship models of Google/Samsung/Apple. One will have a slightly better camera AI, one a better photo editor and one a better AI assistant.

  • Kids should use their own creativity, practice reading, creating something. Play outside, get dirty. Do sports, maybe learn a musical instrument. And do their homework themselves.

    I’d say many things are alright in the proper dose. I mean ChatGPT is part of the world they’re growing in to…

    And 16 isn’t a kid anymore. They can handle some responsibility. I don’t see a one-size-fits every 16 yo solution. I think you should allow them and decide individually.

    I’d say at 16, give them some responsibility and let them practice handling it. But that means supervised. You can’t just give them anything and hop they’ll cope on their own. And AI has some non-obvious consequences / traps you can run into. Not even most of the adults can handle or understand it properly. So your focus should be teaching them the how and why, in my opinion. Alike you’d teach your kid how to use the circular saw at some point that age. As a parent you should lokk at them and see if they’re ready for it and how much supervision is appropriate.

  • I think most people here left Reddit when Spez started the thing with the API and asserted his dominance during the protests. That’s when we learned it’s not our platform, but his. And he has a very different vision for the place.

    People who properly like 4chan don’t really mix with other people. It’s for trolling, shitposting, sharing porn and gore amongst random stuff or shouting at each other. More anarchy than other places. And filled with incels and 14 year olds. I mean it’s a bit more than that and it has it’s unique culture. But there isn’t really an overlap with people who like places like this one. This is less anarchy, you can discuss your Linux server adminisration woes here without getting yelled at. Or share pictures of your crocheting pieces. Of course also memes and pictures.

    So in summary: Where else would I be? I’m not 14 anymore and Reddit gave me the finger.