I’ve do some keto BBQ sauces, so I’m somewhat familiar with avoiding added sugar. How are you doing your recipes?
I mod an worryingly growing list of communities. Ask away if you have any questions or issues about a community.
I also run the hobby and nerd interest website scratch-that.org.
I’ve do some keto BBQ sauces, so I’m somewhat familiar with avoiding added sugar. How are you doing your recipes?
On a brief break for the moment, but in the last year I’ve made 7 hand-wired computer keyboards.
That’s neat. For what purpose- better response? Light up? Aesthetics?
From video game stuff, I know your exact pain. Good luck going forward.
You might enjoy the ReligionForBreakfast youtube channel.
That’s awesome. I’ve done Blender sculpting for video game projects, and I have a friend who is currently sculpting and kitbashing sculpts for his own minis. Definitely drop your work at any of these:
I’d be thrilled to see it come to completion, or even just see sculpting updates.
The pizza story is simply untrue. It was wholly invented by a Twitter user.
Tate was living in a mansion with a fleet of sports cars. He wasn’t hiding his location in the slightest.
For me, it’s not a problem that needs to be solved, I have plenty of finished miniatures. No problems for me to field forces in most games I play.
I consider my painting to be the stronger side of the hobby than my understanding of gameplay.
It’s less about quality (I am not the best painter) and more about not bringing obviously unfinished pieces. “Greytide” is a phrase in Warhammer communities to describe unpainted grey plastic armies. Similar are armies just primed one color. Often with pieces not all assembled. It’s less fun both anesthetically and because it makes it more difficult to figure out which miniature is which.
For me, only using my finished miniatures prevents me from sliding into greytide.
For the U.S., Marbury v. Madison.
Lawyers and legal enthusiasts know it well, but most people couldn’t name it. The case established judicial review in U.S. law.
I would rather lose than bring an unpainted/unfinished miniature to a tabletop game. On rare occasions if somebody is showing me a game and I have to borrow their models (for example a Battletech game last year) I will use them, but none of my own models are played unless varnished.
I don’t hold others to that standard, though I do appreciate seeing it.
That city is a monument to man’s arrogance.
Hello friend, can I interest you in making post apocalyptic battle cars out of Hotwheels?
Those looks kind of small. You might lose them unless you make a screw holder holder.
While it falls short of the MMO aspect, you might be interested in Tamriel Rebuilt, a mod project that expands Morrowind and integrates into the original content.