Proud multicrafter, making cool stuff and all over the Fediverse like a rash. Find my various stuff at

Gamedev alter ego:

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You’ve had some well-meaning but ultimately not quite accurate answers in this thread so just to clarify:

    You can follow, post to and interact with Lemmy communities from Mastodon, because they’re treated the same way as a “group” on Mastodon in general.

    You can NOT follow and interact with Mastodon users from Lemmy, because Mastodon accounts are individual “users” and Lemmy doesn’t have the concept of following and interacting with users, only with communities. If Lemmy ever does add a feature to let us follow other users, then in theory following Mastodon users will also become possible.

  • Alas, not really! I have a cheap shuttle and am still trying to get the hang of “the flip” but I’ll get it eventually. I did manage a sort of wonky snowflake but that’s about it so far. Trouble is, as you know, all the other hobbies getting in the way 😄

    Currently working on cross stitching a dragon from the Discworld books, knitting some crazy speckly socks and a shawl that is way behind where it needs to be to be finished on time, and planning various sewing projects. RIP my free time.

    Just left another comment with links to some of the more active craft communities on here, we’d love to see what you’re working on if you ever want to share!

  • I’ve taught a few people to crochet and all it really takes is patience, and and accepting that you’re going to feel like you’ve somehow got both too many and also not enough hands for the first little while. There’s no shortage of tutorials online so it’s just a question of finding a beginner one that clicks with you and going from there.

    And if you get stuck, need to ask newbie questions, or just want to show off the first few wonky rows of stitches you make to people who will understand what an achievement it is, ! is the community for you!