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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024

  • Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” And they were amazed at him.

    That’s because it was a sidestep answer. In that religion, all things belong to God. Caesar minted the money using their own gold. So, all roman money belonged to caesar and you had to pay your taxes using roman money. The question is then “what exactly is Caesar’s and whats gods?” The rabbis couldn’t follow up with that question without getting crucified themselves.

    That “interpretation” of that story came about after king Charles wanted to raise taxes to raise an army to put down an Irish rebellion. Rightly, parliament didn’t trust him to do that and not use the army on them straight after. So, they refused and said the king has no right to force them to do so.

    Then, all of a sudden, as if by magic, king Charles was like “you’ll never guess what I just found in the bible. Yup, it says so right here. God says you all have to give me money. I know, I know, I couldn’t believe my luck when I found it too. Good job I’m a king and wouldn’t lie about such things.”

  • I wouldn’t say all were and, seeing your comments further down, loved your work. Beholdthemasterrace was hilarious. I’m sure it went down for legitimate reasons and not just because “all traffic is meaningful” and the money they generate from nazis spends just as well as everyone else’s, so they don’t want to upset them…

    There are groups of mods who choose to promote themselves above the respectable digital janitor we all know to be necessary to more of a narrative and public opinion curator. Especially on the more news based subs. I don’t think they even try to hide it these days.

  • Suggesting to stockbros that viewing money as both debt but also, specifically, debt that doesn’t have to be paid back and isn’t owed to anyone or anything anyway (thus making it, by definition, not debt) is, at best, problematic.

    Tbf, most of them still think that federal banks create most of the money in circulation and, just to be clear, that is not true. The vast, vast majority of money in circulation is created by private banks when they issue loans.

    Edit: sorry, I should add, money is debt. If its not debt, it’s not money. A bank note is a fancy I.O.U.