Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
which part of “except as a punishment” was actually unclear in those laws that currently still “protect” slavery since how many centuries now?
did you already ask your gov how many are enslaved due to this slavery protection law today? do you know how many are today tortured because slaves still do not have any laws protecting them? tell me which laws you think would protect slaves today from torture? could they call a lawyer? by which law if they dont have rights? this “don’t have rights” was a huge part of slavery, right? so tell me, as this law clearly states the possibility of slaves, which laws would protect them? how could you tell if there are no other mentionings in any other law? i guess you just can’t, because this law protects slavery but no law protects the victims of it.
so if you did not ask your government yet about the total numbers (which could be 0 of course as you claim), on what “knowledge” are your believes based on then?
pls let me know!
i remember news about children put into cages at the southern border, i remember that originally a five digit number of families was in the news, later on claims, that those kids were sexually abused instead of beeing taken care for, they tried to find them but only got a low 4 digit number of them back. what would you say happened to those at “unknown locations”? i do see a “possible” direct link to the slavery-protection by law you seem to believe would actually “prohibit” it.
Just having this exception in the laws degrades the credibility of the whole country. Why not get rid of this shit then?
And thus if you were right that slavery does not happen any more (wow cool, a real step towards civilisation) then it should also not be of any problem of any kind to remove that exception from the laws right today before sunset, right? who would even hesitate?? if there are none who currently “profit” from that law, or who are already planning to profit from it by creating false evidences of “crimes” sufficient to apply this laws to innocent ones in front of some of those “secret courts”, if none of such exists, why not just remove this exemption then and if only to really have more civilized law afterwards ???
IMHO “abolish slavery” needs to be on that list, so this list could have any meaning at all.
eh… is there a reason why “abolish slavery” happens to NOT be on that list? i’ld put it right on top!
Not necessary, already solved with the 13th amendment. This is a list of solutions which have not yet been implemented.
Slavery is still legal in prisons.
Oh fuck all that shit. I’ll add “ban private prisons and penal labor” to v4.
which part of “except as a punishment” was actually unclear in those laws that currently still “protect” slavery since how many centuries now? did you already ask your gov how many are enslaved due to this slavery protection law today? do you know how many are today tortured because slaves still do not have any laws protecting them? tell me which laws you think would protect slaves today from torture? could they call a lawyer? by which law if they dont have rights? this “don’t have rights” was a huge part of slavery, right? so tell me, as this law clearly states the possibility of slaves, which laws would protect them? how could you tell if there are no other mentionings in any other law? i guess you just can’t, because this law protects slavery but no law protects the victims of it.
so if you did not ask your government yet about the total numbers (which could be 0 of course as you claim), on what “knowledge” are your believes based on then? pls let me know!
i remember news about children put into cages at the southern border, i remember that originally a five digit number of families was in the news, later on claims, that those kids were sexually abused instead of beeing taken care for, they tried to find them but only got a low 4 digit number of them back. what would you say happened to those at “unknown locations”? i do see a “possible” direct link to the slavery-protection by law you seem to believe would actually “prohibit” it.
Just having this exception in the laws degrades the credibility of the whole country. Why not get rid of this shit then?
And thus if you were right that slavery does not happen any more (wow cool, a real step towards civilisation) then it should also not be of any problem of any kind to remove that exception from the laws right today before sunset, right? who would even hesitate?? if there are none who currently “profit” from that law, or who are already planning to profit from it by creating false evidences of “crimes” sufficient to apply this laws to innocent ones in front of some of those “secret courts”, if none of such exists, why not just remove this exemption then and if only to really have more civilized law afterwards ???
IMHO “abolish slavery” needs to be on that list, so this list could have any meaning at all.