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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    If you consider me as someone who perpetuates those systems while being unaware of it, you’ll have more luck pointing out the ways in which I do benefit from them rather than blaming me for something I don’t even know of. If you consider me an unknowing beneficiary who doesn’t actively support those systems, you pick the wrong target. I’m more than willing to deconstruct the systems of racial prejudice, and I point out racism and sexism directed at black people and women. At the same time, if my very existence with certain traits gives me benefits, I can’t do much about it, and then you make nothing but spite.

    I’m sorry you and your family had to endure unjust treatment by the authorities. I do not know your situation, and if there was a racial aspect to it, I’m sorry to hear it and I genuinely support initiatives directed at fighting those discrepancies and bringing true justice. In any way, I personally am not the cop who hel you at gunpoint, nor do I support any of that. I do speak out against racial prejudice - in the Internet and real life.

    You didn’t quite understand when I said about reactionaries. The bill you’re gonna see is only gonna grow as by directing your hatred at white people, you feed into the rage in response, and guess what that is? White supremacism. And while most reasonable people, me included, will do our best to fight them off, they do grow in numbers. More and more people are tired of people pretending to fight racism while being blind about themselves making same sort of mistakes.

    You want equality? Go for equality. You want to stop racism? Stop being racist yourself. There’s a lot of ways you can fight for your rights without becoming bigoted yourself. Your “neverending struggle” in a way you stated it is nothing but fanatical adherence.

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    While I perfectly agree with your position on that the “privilege” talk has become a weapon in and of itself, and that a lot of bullshit stories come out of it, I’d love it if you could change the tone of conversation.

    Americans are different, and they may have cultural reasons to behaving this way. That’s not to say they’re right - but seeding anger this way is not gonna magically change their minds.

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    “Because of the sheer scale of the issue and long history of institutionalized racism with lingering consequences, we, Americans, developed more vigilance on the issue, and I think this experience and this point of view should be considered across the globe. I do not appreciate the way you speak of it, and I’d rather have you respect, even if not immediately understand, this position.”

    -Your comment, with personal attacks taken out.

    I ask you to consider the way users express themselves around Lemmy, and keep this place nice and tidy. Personal attacks and flaming are better left to Reddit. What makes the Lemmyverse so amazing is the cooperation of kind strangers, and in the spirit of it, it would be amazing for you not to provoke flaming and aggression.

    I’m no admin and no mod, but a kind patriot of the Lemmy space, and I sincerely hope you could listen up to this and be kinder next time, even to the people who aren’t perfectly keeping to the good conduct themselves.

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzdegree in bamf
    6 months ago

    It’s crazy to see this upvoted.

    As white males born recently, at least on historical scale, we hold no responsibility for what other white males did back then, and you hold no special moral right to oppress anyone - you weren’t the one oppressed, and we weren’t your oppressors.

    It’s equally wrong to do racist things towards black and white people, and it’s equally wrong to be sexist against males or females.

    If we want to actually stop racism and sexism, we should stop it from spreading both ways. Otherwise you do nothing but feed into reactionary movements that will start the struggle again, while oppressing people who didn’t deserve, by any means, tp be oppressed.

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzThat introduction...
    6 months ago

    On the side of authors, please, PLEASE do not use any AI tools when writing your articles.

    It’s actually very easy to get into Q3-Q4 with absolute crap, and let’s just respect each other - not to mention keep your reputation :)

    I know it’s tedious and I don’t like sitting at 4am writing articles, either, but yeah - it’s important :D

    That’s not to say journals shouldn’t do a better job.

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyztemperature
    6 months ago

    No it doesn’t, unfortunately.

    What makes 0F (-18C) special? How do you estimate survivability at such temperature? If I’d be out on the street naked, I would die there in a matter of minutes. At the same time, there is plenty of places where winter temperatures go -40F (-40C) and even below, yet people very much survive and live there.

    Similar with 100F (38C). There are places with higher temps in the summer, up to 120F (49C) in some places, yet people survive. Still, if you’re not equipped with anything, 100F (38C) will burn you alive.

    All that not to mention that 50F (10C) is actually cold, not comfortable.

    Fahrenheit is only intuitive and “feeling-descriptive” because you’re used to it. From a person born in Celsius country, it’s really not less intuitive. I know I can be comfortable in my birthday suit at around 25C. Less than 20 is chilly, less than 10 - cold, less than 0 - freezing. More than 30 is hot, more than 40 is deadly.