Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I’ve also heard some contention over the ground up evolutionary theory for birds. Mainly that you don’t evolve flight from jumping up, but rather from jumping tree to tree and gliding. I’m certainly not an expert in this but as a layman it does make sense to me, if you jump to escape a predator on the ground you inevitably come back down, but if you can make it to the next tree and your predator can’t, that would indeed be a significant enough advantage to be passed down to your children. Seems easier to convert lizardy gliders like on the yi qi to wings too, rather than lizardy arms to wings.

  • Naw can’t watch the trial, then you’d find out that Rosenbaum had an encounter earlier in the night at a gas station with a guy dressed like Kyle (but +plate carrier) who put out Rosenbaum’s dumpster fire (the infanous “Shoot me n-word” video where Rosenbaum gets a pass to say “it.”) Then a little while later the drone video where Rosenbaum, still starting fires, crouches behind a car while Kyle walks past, steps out supposedly saying he was going to kill Kyle, and chases him/throws the bag, corners him, someone fires a shot from the crowd (likely Ziminski) while Kyle gets trapped by cars, and turning around hearing a shot Rosenbaum grabs for the gun, so Kyle shoots him. Then he makes the phone call (IIRC to Dominick Black), hears “GET HIM” and he starts running, gets hit in the back of the head with a rock that takes him down, he rolls over as jump kick man gets a hit, points it but doesn’t fire as dude was already retreating, Huber hits him with the skateboard and attempts again to take his rifle, shoots Huber, and the other guy who just surrenders, then Gage’s fake surrender (war crimes much?) then Gage takes one in the bicep, then Kyle gets up and continues running towards police.

    You’d also find out that not only was all that justified, he never “crossed state lines with the gun” as the gun lived in Kenosha at Dominick’s house, and he could in fact legally possess the rifle at 17 due to local laws. Furthermore he worked in Kenosha and his dad lived there. While he did travel from his mom’s in Antioch 20mi away, Huber came from Silver Lake also 20mi away, and Gage came from 46mi away.

    That wouldn’t be good, can’t learn the actual facts of the case, just gotta hang your hat on “he shouldn’t have been there.”

  • I’m gonna use a word I really shouldn’t use

    Some people can in fact use this word. This sentence reads as if you know the person really shouldn’t be using it because you know their race isn’t allowed to, however, there is indeed a race that is allowed to and the original poster could very well belong to that.

    The fact that you can’t understand how this could have been posted by one person uncensored, then screencapped by a second, then censored by a third, or even fourth person, fifth person, etc, is frankly just icing on the cake.

  • He can try, trying and succeeding are two different things.

    I’m suggesting that if you’re right, that if trump manages to successfully “end” democracy and install himself as dictator as you claim he’s so able to do, I’d be first in line. This election is just like every other, thus why nobody has picked up rifles yet, there’s a startling lack of democracy ending dictators afoot, contrary to popular claim that every president since Regan would become one.

    Time will tell. Will this be just like all the other times this was claimed including the last time the same guy won, or will it be for realsies this time? !remindme 4 years.

  • Right, all that dictator he became and how he successfully ended democracy, I remember.

    Sorry your hyperbolic fear mongering isn’t quite enough to manipulate me, nor was it for Bush, nor when the republicans did the exact same thing for Obama, nor when it was 1st trump, nor again when trump v biden, and same as every one of those times, everything will remain the same.

    Don’t get me wrong, if it happens I’ll be first in line with a rifle to fight it, but I highly doubt it.

  • I often see people on lemmy deride others for not posting things that would be directed at trump supporters here, on lemmy, which has a total of 0 vocal trump supporters. Tbf, how do you know this OP isn’t posting that content where it would actually be seen by those who’s jimmies would be rustled by it?

    It’s entirely possible that this anonymous individual is also on trumpsocial or whatever the fuck it is as another anonymous individual trolling them there where they are, and is posting content that would be subversive here, here. Frankly it’d make more sense, anti trump stuff here is just a circle jerk, we all hate him dude.