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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • “should always be a consideration” is a platudinous way of avoiding the rest of what you said.

    Nobody, literally nobody, teaches tactics you describe. That’s 100% Hollywood where only the writer gets to kill the hero. It’s not like moving your mouse and clicking or pressing E to melee. With adrenaline and under time pressure, you do not have the kind of fine motor coordination necessary - there have been cases of master-class competitive shooters taking an opportunity to take a shot like that because they’re basically John Wick and the technique is muscle memory, but law enforcement is militarized enough as it is, we don’t need police qualification to be a USPSA “A” classification.

  • I’m autistic, does that automatically make me an incompetent who can act with impunity because I can be impulsive? This logic only hurts the people you’re pretending to help. Law doesn’t care about intent except for sentencing.

    Inside his house, you’d be right and the cop ran away. After he’s outside, he sees it’s a cop, and charges him in anger with a big pointy metal thing. Do you expect the cop to divine someone’s psychological diagnosis? What if it’s a brain tumor that makes him actively murderous? Is everyone in the walking dead committing murder by killing the poor zombies who cannot help themselves?

  • Answer this: how do you work on legislation to ensure responsible gun ownership with someone who detests any form of civilian gun ownership and absolutely refuses to learn the intricacies? How do you collaborate with someone who thinks themselves to be above understanding what they’re working on? Sensible things HAVE been proposed by people with a deep understanding of guns, but they get spit on because they’re something other than another ban on an inconsequential feature or function or type of something.

    Edit to add: I cannot count the number of times I’ve given someone a chance and nearly every time the answer to “are you open to the possibility of your side being wrong about anything at all” is along the lines of me being the one who needs to be schooled by someone with zero firearms experience about why banning some specific things will solve mass shootings. On the other hand, I’ve taken many anti gun people shooting, and taught them some basics, and that changed a lot about how they viewed what they’d previously been told. Internet scholars will say this invalidates their ability to be objective and so their opinion no longer counts.

    The evidence, that is total intolerance to the actual ideas and proposals by gun owners, and pushing for more of the same that didn’t work the first few times, shows that legislators actual objectives are total disarmament, not the safety and lives of good people.

  • You hang out with the wrong crowd. I’ve belonged to several gun clubs over the years, of the many hundreds of people I’ve gotten to know, I’ve met probably a dozen who fit the profile you describe. IMO the difference is socialization: if guns are a right but at the same time you make guns a taboo and actively discourage organized events and interest shooting sports, the people who do not go into it with a healthy mind and diverse social life end up dwelling on whatever someone feeds them for clicks and ad revenue (Fox News and similar shit, not even partisan just scary news gets clicks and trains fear into people). Shooting is fun if you do it right.