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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • …or zoom out and see the hypothetical scenarios I listed as exactly that. Hypothetical scenarios. You can sit and nitpick probably about half, but I came up with all of those things in about 4 minutes. You’re not getting down voted because this is Lemmy and corporations=bad or whatever. Corporations and their executives making way too much money tax-free is the popular opinion world wide. If they’re billionaires after a 45% tax rate, then holy shit! Good for you CEO! But that’s not what is happening. They’re making billions and paying 0% on it because they’re investing it and borrowing money from banks against their company. That’s why the democratic party has won the popular vote for decades. Everyone is able to see this and are tired of getting fucked by the wealthy and Reaganomics. The middle class is paying 13% on $40K while Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are paying less in total taxes while earning multiple billions. I shouldn’t have to forgo a $250 tv in order to invest for retirement. Quality of life should be rising along with technology. There was a point at which interior lighting and electricity was a luxury and wasn’t necessary for daily life. Should that mean that I should be expected to go without in order to invest? No, it became a public necessity due to it’s net benefit to society. There’s a huge benefit to society each being able to turn on the news/sitcoms/movies in their own house. It allows children to see the outside world and become familiar with pop culture, noteworthy news, documentaries etc. It isn’t just an entertainment box that melts your brain and destroys your cornea…

    Let’s entertain your deck criticism for the fun of it, what happens when you have a few friends over? You’re standing on the deck grilling for everyone and the railing someone is leaning against breaks and they fracture their leg? Sure you could have repaired the deck, but you chose to save a few hundred dollars. Now your friend has a hospital bill for $40,000 because he needed reconstructive surgery for a displaced fracture. He doesn’t have the money and would lose his house if he goes into medical debt, so he has to file a claim against your home owners insurance. They tell him to scram because it’s YOUR fault the deck was falling into disrepair. You’re expected to keep up with the maintenance of your house. Now he’s forced to sue YOU for the money. So do you spend the $1000 to repair your deck or do you risk someone getting injured on your property because you don’t have an “emergency fund” and Jim Cramer told you the only way to get rich is by investing and letting your money work for you.

  • Broken phone, hot water heater, HVAC, fridge, washer, dryer, toilet, stove, oven, microwave, tv, personal computer, new shoes, new clothes, friend is getting married, friend is having a baby, the car needs a new set of tires, the car was rear ended, windshield was shattered by a rock that kicked up off the road on my way to work, need a new lawnmower cause the second hand Toro mower’s gas powered engine is shot, property taxes went up because home values went up, kids got sick and went to the doctor, dentist appointment found a cavity, accidentally sat on your glasses, suit doesn’t fit anymore and you have a funeral to attend, older windows on your house built in the 90’s are starting to go bad, storm damage to your out of warranty roof, deck needs to be rebuilt because the old wood is starting to dry rot, time to replace the bed(I know you’re supposed to replace them every 8 years, but you went ahead and stretched 15 out of this one because you’re frugal)…must I continue?

  • I also have T-Mobile 5G. I once had the luxury of being able to buy fiber 1G up/down before I moved to a new area and that was the absolute best of any ISP I’ve ever had. Now my only real option with a physical connection is Xfinity copper that was offering 200mbps down 10 mbps up for just $50/mo* terms and conditions apply. $50 is the promotional price for this offer. After one year this offer will expire. Then every year id have to field a call from their promotional dept. offering a 100mbps increase to my speeds for just $5 more per month rather than losing the promotional price and the bill costing $80 with no increase. The straw that broke the camel’s back was an attempt to charge an extra $5 a month for using autopay with a debit card. I could save that fee by switching to using my bank’s routing number. So I told Comcast 🖕and switched.

    My favorite story though is when an Xfinity rep called me to ask about who provides my cell phone service. When I told them that i use Mint mobile and pay $20/mo for 20GB of data or whatever it was at the time, they just straight up told me, “Oh gotcha. Yeah, we can’t compete at that price.” Then hung up 😂

    My only real gripe with T-Mobile so far is that if your price is accurate, then I’m paying an extra $15/mo just based on location despite there being no physical difference in our connection. Also i don’t like that I’m unable to do any port forwarding on T-Mobile so it prevents me from running my Jellyfin server and PiHole from home and being able to use it anywhere.

  • Pokemon is about the universe it was created in. It was the perfect on the go game when we were children and it even had a great anime to go with it. When you were home, you watched Ash and Pikachu take on the world of pokemon. Everything looked so vibrant and cool. Then when it was time for you to go with your parents to a house party, you could play Pokemon on your Gameboy.

    It’s just a nostalgia franchise now, but that’s okay. Most people are unhappy with how Game Freak is handling the role of building these games, but maybe one day they’ll make a turn.