Apologies if my tone came off jarring. Shareholder value creation being the default position has left me a bit bitter towards the ideas of there being any actual effective corporate governance that doesn’t just favor those at the very top.
Apologies if my tone came off jarring. Shareholder value creation being the default position has left me a bit bitter towards the ideas of there being any actual effective corporate governance that doesn’t just favor those at the very top.
For the vast majority of the shareholders, profit maximization is the end goal. Nothing else matters.
We need 4 million bots to push arstechnica up to the #1 spot
I imagine Rudy Giuliani would be frantically driving over to Bedminster with a shovel to do his bidding there as well.
She luckily has access to the best medical care you can find in the world. Can’t say the same for most of the rest of us peasants if we get struck by cancer.
-40°C = -40°F
They intersect at that point for mysterious nature reasons
At this point, I think the job of the Speaker of the House is going to be a position most politicians wouldn’t want to touch.
Boeing’s hit job must have been well planned.
The killer would have had to kill him in his car, wrap his hands around the gun to establish fingerprint marks. A company like Boeing that’s part of the Military-Industrial Complex wouldn’t have an issue finding a highly trained contract killer.
Bribes at the local authority level (maybe higher too) to have them rule it a suicide with no further investigation needed. No need for further pesky questions.
Now all I’m waiting on is for the judge to toss out his incomplete testimony since it isn’t complete.
Then just wait a few weeks until the media focuses on other things.
Then the execs can have martinis while stock number go up.
From a logistical perspective, an arbitrary and every increasing number of documents tied to a single blockchain sounds like it’ll create a chain that is unfathomably hard to work with. It’ll eat up all the hard drive space you’ll have available.
Wikipedia page on the dude: Nikolai Yezhov
Does that really stop them though? I do the same thing, but I wonder if they will do it anyway.
Cool! Didn’t know this existed. Thanks
Couldn’t a platform like arxiv.org come up with a peer review system so they can be more than just preprints? Make it a full fledged open access platform for fully peer reviewed articles.
Also why are we still stuck in this shitty system where the Elselviers of the world are limiting access to our collective research?
Wasn’t the consensus of virologists in the early days of the pandemic that a lab origin was completely preposterous?
Our gun culture is so nuts that it normalizes shit like this.
When you look at it this way, it is utterly unsurprising that we have so many mass shootings.
takes deep breath
For me it’s two 200 mg Ibuprofen.
Two 250 mg acetaminophen works, but not as well.
Aspirin kinda sucks for me in this role so I don’t use it.
8 rounds of comments?
Are you sure you don’t have your arch nemesis as your reviewer? lol
13chag will mark the era of a new Internet Dark Age. Mankind may never truly recover.