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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’m talking about on desktop, although come to think of it, I think on mobile in Firefox focus, the videos auto play on mute… maybe because my phone is on mute, not sure. I am using Firefox for both now. Ditched chrome about a year ago when I noticed edge was actually working better for things, then ditched edge during the YouTube debacle a few months back. Super happy with Firefox + UBlock.

    Also maybe my local news sites are shittier than your local news sites. It’s mostly the local news sites that have the shitty auto play, along with some shitty national sites like Fox News. And even though I do avoid fox like the plague, sometimes I like to see how a legitimate story gets spun by the right.

    With that said, others have mentioned that on desktop using Firefox, and probably mobile as well, rather than selecting mute tab super quick, there are settings to prevent auto play all together.

  • One drive is the one that really ruffles my feathers.

    It turns itself back on randomly, which wouldn’t be too much of a problem except for that it fucking remaps the desktop… a file that was previously located at C:\user\desktop\ is now at C:\user\One Drive\desktop…

    Note the space in the path, they didn’t even have the decency to use an underscore… \one_drive\… even though it’s one of their own rules in powershell scripting.

    For those of us using powershell to automate stuff this remapping is a nightmare and should be illegal.

    Too bad I am in the US and will just have to continue to get support calls from time to time when a users desktop gets remapped behind the scenes.

    Maybe there is a way using powershell and windows scheduled tasks to check to see if one drive turned itself back on, then auto turn it off and remap the desktop back to normal.

    The absurdity of having windows check to see if windows screwed itself up, then if so have it fix itself is just laughable.