All the while being fellated by feline feces, white nationalists, and dox-happy anti-LGBT bigots who celebrate the suicides of oppressed minorities.
All the while being fellated by feline feces, white nationalists, and dox-happy anti-LGBT bigots who celebrate the suicides of oppressed minorities.
He was already known as a sleazy conman and the butt of jokes for decades before he won in 2016. How could they not know?
Maybe the joke went over their heads?
My dude, there’s a big difference in the damage done from pseudoscientific woo (like “healing crystals,” “chi,” “ginkgo biloba cures anything,” “magnets help with your balance”) and obviously incorrect studies published in journals for the sake of pushing political narratives.
“I know Trump was the worst President we ever had, but why does that mean I should vote for Biden?”
Motherfucker, the fact that you even had to ask that question means you don’t deserve the responsibility of participating in the electoral process.
Which, coincidentally, also applies to Black Conservative woman Candace Owens.
Of course they did. We know they did. All you have to do is go back and read their quarterly earnings calls from 2020 to basically now and they told their shareholders clearly that they were using the pandemic as an excuse to increase profits.
Depends on if the House rule is “any Rep can move to vacate” or if it’s “any Rep of the majority party can move to vacate.”
Though it seems if we wait a few more weeks, that might be the Dems anyway lol.
Who the fuck would listen to him? He’s got all the charisma you’d expect a snot-nosed faux-crying-at-trial murderous teenager would have. Playing the “victim” of the “woke leftist mob” only gets you 15 minutes- just ask that dipshit AR-wielding ambulance chaser and his mustard-covered wife in Missouri how famous they are these days.
Spending millions to avoid billions in taxes is a good ROI, until the guillotines and pitchforks start appearing.
Hell, the NYAG would be interested, because just that fact would probably tank his appeal instantly.
“Your Honor, the value of the property Defendant put up as collateral for this appeal is less than the value of the property Defendant has claimed on his taxes and more than the value of the property the Defendant has claimed in various loan applications, and I need not remind the court they’re all the same property, therefore we move to dismiss this appeal because duh.”
Alternatively, putting them up for collateral would require their real valuation to be assessed, which someone guilty of lying about their worth for sure wouldn’t want to be known.
‘Man-made famine’ charge against Israel is backed by mounting bodies of evidence
RTFA. The bill requires municipalities to provide encampments.
And provides funding for the municipalities to create said encampments, right? Surely it doesn’t require those blue Demonrat controlled cities municipalities to fund such encampments on their own, right?
hyper-competitive marketplace
Ah yes, when I think of “hyper competitive” I think of the one and only one cable provider who services my neighborhood.
Fortunately, one will have to receive his posthumously.
How could they? Trump can’t even keep his lore straight.
Asked, and answered.
Lambert, Leaf and Byrne have claimed in court filings and public statements that the documents they disclosed contain evidence that Serbian nationals meddled in the 2020 election at Dominion’s request.
What, those fucking assholes didn’t find any bamboo-laced ballots so they’ve moved on to checks notes paprikaš-scented ones?
If Trump decides to stay in office
You know we have footage from when he already tried that, right?
and if nobody resists
I didn’t say “nobody” I said “the GOP”. No one who has been paying attention the last eight years could reasonably say that the GOP as a whole would oppose Trump in his efforts to remain in office.
That’s not necessarily true- direct democracy isn’t the same a representative democracy, for example. Also, a very strong case can be made that the US functionally isn’t a democracy, since one political party wields outsized amounts of power compared to “the will of the people.” A “true” democracy wouldn’t allow a President who lost the popular vote, or require a party to get 60%+ of the popular vote to get barely 50% members in Congress.
And yes, I realize the idea that requiring voters to be informed on issues and government opens the door to suppression of voters for illegitimate reasons. I don’t know what would be a more ideal solution, but I do know that this
is a big chunk of the problem. A functioning government requires an invested and educated populace, and too many Americans aren’t.