Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s not her actions, it’s her past workplaces. AirBnB in particular is concerning. It’s not exactly a secret that thanks to AirBnBs business model, and the lack of regulation of it, that the housing markets in several countries have gotten fucked completely. Something she chose to work with and directly support.

    I somehow rank the right to have a place to live slightly above the right to have open access to the internet (though not by much), and as such I wouldn’t want anyone with her affiliations in any such senior position at Mozilla, temporary or no.

  • People work their bodies into breaking in these kinds of jobs, which I just find ethically wrong. I get that there are risks with every job, but basically being guaranteed to get injuries from repetitive motions etc. is a big ask. I support robots taking over such tasks.

    I also don’t think it’s a hot take that Mercedes (and fucking everyone) should support UBI. Everyone has a right to live, and if we must have this capitalistic society, then everyone should have some means of access to it. No one chooses to be born, but once they are we as a society have a responsibility to ensure that they can live their lives with dignity.

    If companies want to partake in society, they better contribute to it as well.

  • Yeah, it’s just because it’s Chromium. I don’t know anything about the company so I don’t have any opinion there.

    I used to be of the opinion that it’d be nice if the web unified under one platform. Honestly, I still hold that opinion, but the caveat there would obviously be that no single company should control that platform. Google does control Chromium. All Chromium based browsers will see Manifest V3, and that’s just one thing. Google can do more or less what they wish, and the rest of the web will just kind of have to take it.

    They’re in a similar position that Microsoft was in back when Internet Explorer was an actually good browser, but unlike Microsoft I don’t think Google will rest on their laurels. It’s really worrying to me that Google essentially owns the internet.

  • Yeah this is the one thing I’ve considered myself. I just can’t get over how much better Safari’s UI is on iPhones. It’s a bit whatever on iPad, but on the iPhone it’s just so intuitive. I think the two things I like the most are

    The bottom of the screen UI Chrome, because that just makes so much sense. Sure iOS has that accessibility feature (which I really hope Android adopts soon) where you swipe down on the bar at the bottom to bring the top of the screen down, but that’s one extra gesture I have to use to access the URL bar. Other than preference there’s no real reason to keep it on the top - which there’s a setting for in Safari, so you could have either way.

    As I wrote this I was like “but what if there’s a setting for it in Firefox as well?” and there is, so consider that point moot!

    It also lets you navigate tabs without having to open the tab switcher. Swiping left takes you to the previous tab, and right to the next, if there is no next tab it opens a new tab. It’s also really snappy so it’s easy to navigate between like 2-8 tabs or so.

    So as a bonus thing; I really like the transparency effect. It’s super superficial, I know, but it makes the view feel bigger somehow, and it fits with the overall native UX which is something I as a developer generally consider a good thing. Though honestly it’s not a dealbreaker for me.

    If the tab switching was implemented, and they swapped over to Gecko I’d probably consider switching to Firefox altogether on my mobile devices.