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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I love that when in Linux a solution suggest to write into the terminal a verb and a noun, some people panic, get angry, lashes out, declares Linux unfriendly to users, etc. But somehow on Windows it was normalized that some stuff requires editing the registry, an arcane and ancient binary tree mess were stuff can only be found by recalling cryptic runes and nonsensical strings of numbers and letters, inconsistent naming, repetitive nomenclature with an eccentric GUI. And everyone just accepts that as a perfectly normal suggestion in detriment to Linux’s terminal.

  • The techbro definition of Disruption is:

    • Underpaying workers.
    • Undercutting existing companies for the same service but with a new tech buzzword.
    • Overpromising on future results to create an overvalued stock.
    • Duping investors to give more money than the risk advises.
    • Cashing in on lavish C-suite bonuses.
    • Lying through your teeth about the whole thing.

    Remember the point of calling something a Unicorn is that it doesn’t exist and it cannot exist.

  • This sucks but it is a hard lesson about dealing with large companies. If any company wants anything that doesn’t comes off the shelf of the store, they have to pay upfront. Pay has to be by a certain amount of days in advance of delivery date or the date is not guaranteed and will be late. Work doesn’t start until payment is done. If they want to pay after delivery, sign a contract, require an advance of at least half of the bill or materials cost (whichever is highest), non-refundable, include a cancellation fee. Put this shit up as terms of service on a website and direct everyone to that page whenever you are contacted by a new client. The larger the client company, the more important it is to be this strict. For you it might be a bankruptcy inducing amount, but to them it will be immaterial pocket change, so you have to hold your ground.