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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • I think they’re trying to kill the fitbit line and replace it with the pixel watch and WearOS

    My reasoning:

    • Enshittification of the non-watch devices

    • Pixel Watch 2 actually being an improvement on 1, they don’t always do that

    • PW2 just being their highest end fitbit + watch

    • Many people I know who had fitbits decided to move over to a smartwatch for convenience of other features at not that much increased cost. It could be that offering devices below a watch has become less worth it in their eyes and to be something left to other niche manufacturers.

    • WearOS in general has seen massive improvements over AndroidWear and I think they’re hoping that the license fees they’ll get from third party cheaper watchmakers that end up using WearOS. Kinda like what they do with Android, offer an expensive top of the line flagship device, maybe a middle ground option, and leave it to the niche companies willing to do the work to find out what exact features people want on the cheap end while bringing in their licensing and app store fees.

    It worked for phones, I can see it working for this kind of device, but it means dropping the old “lesser” line of devices

  • If men feel excluded from the exhibit, they are understanding how women feel being excluded from other spaces. The men are experiencing the art exactly how the artist intends.

    2 things:

    1. Because men totally never feel left out or others in their lives, this is the only place they’ll ever feel that. Fucking garbage excuse for sexism.

    2. It’s not just the artists art she’s locking behind this sexist wall, which is the exact dick move that she’s butthurt about from checks notes 60 years ago at this museum. If she was depriving men of her own art that’s one thing, but the article clearly states original Picasso’s are in the room.

    It’s incredibly fucking dickheaded to hide another, frankly more popular and actually cared about, artists work from people due to something they can’t control. I get that’s the point she’s making, but it doesn’t teach men something they don’t already know: it just makes her the asshole, big-time. It almost certainly will convince more people online who hear about this that her point is total bullshit and she’s some “stupid man hating count” or something, too, which is nice

  • Murder is literally the illegal killing of someone

    Irrelevant. People know him as a murderer, thus that is what he is famous for. Plenty of people are famous for shit thats not technically accurate.

    but you have to realize that the people who disagree with you don’t think he’s a murderer.

    I do, I just don’t care what wrong people think about shit that’s basic and obvious.

    And I’ve heard plenty of them make the claim anyone who thinks he is a murderer is stupid. In this regard, you’re just like them.

    Yeah but those people are fucking stupid, so I wouldn’t listen to them.

  • They also fall prey to the classic “only one Internet provider” shit because of the whole “whoever pays to have the lines in owns those lines forevermore” shit we have here

    It cost Comcast 10k to run a new line half a block to a place I lived 6 years ago, and that was in a rather empty part of my town.

    Imagine how much it costs to run lines M I L E S to rural people’s homes. Who’s even going to try setting up there when someone else already has done it?

    My area is controlled by Dems that are pretty lib, but thanks to how expensive it is to start an ISP we have literally 1 option for an almost 75 square mile area for non-sattelite Internet. Their max speed is 100 Mbps synch, and you have to fill out a PDF to get service (including putting s password for your account on said PDF, I put “fuck No im not” for mine for obvious reasons), and their techs will ignore service requests (they installed their stupid rental router and charged me monthly for it despite me saying not to) and lie (they said they couldn’t add my owned router to their list multiple times before someone finally took it’s fucking MAC address from me)

  • My name is Frank Smithly, Lvl 20 Rogue. My story? Heh, kid, it’s not your average tale…

    You see, my parents? They lived throughout my whole childhood. To this day, in fact. My mother even packed my lunch this morning. I was raised in a loving home, supported in all that I did by good, hard-working folks who wanted me to succeed. I was given every opportunity for success, and I’ve quite clearly taken them!

    It was the worst! Growing up without even a single minor tragedy to give fuel to the dark pain deep within me. No dead close relatives, no parental abuse, not even s schoolyard bully! The complete and total lack of childhood adversity left me a scarred and broken man, so I turned to this life of crime…

  • Muggle isn’t considered offensive within the world, it’s just the British term for a non-magical person. Wizard/witch for those with magic, muggle for those without (in America we call them No-Maj, which is fucking awful)

    Some of the bad characters will say it in a sneering or mean-spirited way, but they often don’t use it at all and go instead for subtler terms like “those lesser than us” or “the filth” and similar

    The only term in the series that’s considered “offensive” is mudblood, which is basically a mixed race slur (it’s a wizard/witch born to one or both muggle parents), and it’s very much addressed as not OK to be said and why it shouldn’t be said and how much it can hurt people (from Rowlings fave character, no less!)

    It’s insane to me that the person who wrote that into book 2 went on to be a fucking TERF