The ones who buy items in-game are the ones who buy the games. Those are the customers they want to appease the most.
The ones who buy items in-game are the ones who buy the games. Those are the customers they want to appease the most.
Sounds like you haven’t seen Tomorrow Never Dies. There’s a hilarious scene between Pierce Brosnan and Desmond Llewelyn about a remote control car…
Just a couple o’ gal pals!
I could see him playing Q
That seems like it could be problematic
Guess Les Schwab ripped me off then
Get a car with AWD
Be prepared to pay 4x as much when you need a replacement tire (you have to replace all 4)
Split the difference. Go somewhere in northern CA or southern OR (Portland is pricy too).
Reeks of “when I was your age we had to walk to school, uphill both ways!”
If one man can nail The Phantom and also butcher Javert… first of all, why? But also, damn that would be an impressive act.
I was thinking Arab but I like your idea better
Yes, because I use my wife’s benefits regardless.
Gerard Butler can sing.
So, yes, we’re sure.
I read a book called Emotional Intelligence, and it taught me something really neat. When you have a split-second emotional reaction to something, the reason why that reaction is often later deemed unwise is because the neural pathways that led to that response literally bypass the part of your brain that does logical reasoning.
Don’t think of the two kinds of posts as “authentic” and “inauthentic.” You’re not worried about people wrongly scolding you for saying what you really think. You’re worried people will rightly call out how irrational you’re being. The two kinds of posts are emotional and reasoned.
I make reasoned posts.
Dissolving doesn’t mean it no longer exists. The particles are just too small to see.
He’ll be convinced that falling in line is in the best interest of his continued safety.
Doesn’t matter. Repugnicans fall in line behind their demagogue only once they have no other path to remain in the good graces of the party.
I’m seeing a bunch of people who haven’t learned from the last 50 years. He doesn’t endorse him now. He will when he’s named nominee.
Everywhere has to fall within a county. Not so for cities. Thus, there are places where you can stand where you are not in a city.
City boundaries roughly follow population.
I’m not sure what determines county lines, possibly response time, e.g. your county fire department needs to be able to send a truck to your house in under x minutes.
Anyone who thinks he’d do this himself gives him too much credit