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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsweek
    Merger with The Daily Beast (2010–2013)
    Spin-off to IBT Media, return to print (2013–2018)
    Newsweek Publishing LLC (2018–present)

    In 2020, Newsweek’s website hit 100 million unique monthly readers, up from seven million at the start of 2017. In 2021, its revenues doubled to $75 million and traffic increased to 48 million monthly unique visitors in May 2022 from about 30 million in May 2019 according to Comscore.

    What the Hell Is Going on at Newsweek? (February 5, 2018)

    While the magazine still produces in-depth reporting and the occasional scoop, staffers said the parent company had gone on a hiring spree last fall, grouping mostly young writers into a breaking news team of more than 20 staffers. These reporters are tasked with churning out an unheard of level of content for massive web traffic.

    One staffer on that team told Splinter they’re getting paid less than $40,000 a year. Breaking news writers are expected to draw 1 million page views a month, they said, with traffic bonuses starting thereafter. “We get chastised if we don’t [meet 1 million page views],” they said, “and get assigned garbage, clickbait articles to compensate.”

    How Newsweek Has Gone Down the Far-Right Rabbit Hole (Nov. 05, 2022) - The Daily Beast

    The once-esteemed magazine has been reduced to a soapbox for the far right, a new study reveals, thanks to a MAGA activist running the opinions page.

  • Because Newsweek is trash. I don’t know how or why but links to this publication are rampant on Lemmy.

    General rule 1: Read with a fine tooth comb and you’ll find decent reporting about two thirds of the way through a Newsweek article.

    General rule 2: Any news outlet with a comment section is more concerned about getting people to spend time on their site to sell ads than they are neutrally informing the public.

  • The Bill: https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1352172

    To provide protections for women and girls against sexual assault, harassment, and violence in correctional facilities, juvenile detention facilities, domestic violence shelters, dormitories, and restrooms, or where women have been traditionally afforded safety and protection from acts of abuse committed by biological men.

    So you’re saying that women do not currently have protections from assault in these facilities?

    The domestic violence shelter shall take reasonable steps to provide individuals with privacy in restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters from members of the opposite sex.

    What about the same sex?? This bill seems to suggest that if you are of the same sex of another person, you have the right to assault them in these facilities.

    It’s just difficult for me to comprehend how stupid a human, let alone an elected official, can possibly be.

  • oxjox@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlAre we all fucked?
    6 months ago


    I think people who worry about things outside their control might be missing out on things that really matter most in their lives.

    I grew up during the Cold War era. It was pretty tense and, at least from my personal perspective, it seemed much worse then than it does today. The days after 9/11 were even worse. It really all depends on your geographic location though (I’m between NY and DC). If you’re in Gaza right now, yeah, you should be worried. If you’re in Oklahoma, go play in the mud and enjoy your life.

    Things will get worse. They always have. Humanity deals with it. It’s not a good formula but it’s what we’ve got. I’d be much more worried about the population of the planet exceeding its natural resources and the continued loss of jobs to automation and slave labor (the unrelenting promotion of consumerism) than I would WWIII.

    Not to dismiss the legitimate atrocities that are taking place across the world but I think your issue might be too much media consumption. The media is getting worse faster than the world is. Everything is rage bait to garner viewership and ad revenue and attention and profits for stock holders. Limit your media consumption to your passions and hobbies and to neutral journalism like AP and PBS. I mean, I can’t tell you how many articles I read from formerly-legit news outlets that have little to do with a click bait headline now. It’s so frustrating that even the news has a bias now - even when it’s biased towards my preference.

    With all the energy you’re putting towards worrying about the entire planet, I’m sure your immediate community would benefit from a fraction of that concern.

    Edit: Invest some time is setting up an RSS reader. Use it as a filter for the news you want and trust. Fill it with things you’re interested in, blogs, local news, world news, neutral news outlets, newsletters, etc. I’m in the Apple system and have been using Big News for about a year. I like that it gives you an email address to subscribe to newsletters so they don’t fill up your inbox.

  • Like Enterprise? I’ve looked into this. First, the demand goes up / supply goes down when everyone without a car wants to rent a car for the holidays. Second, there’s only one facility anywhere near me. Third, they have limited hours when you can pick up and drop off making it unreasonably difficult (only open til 12 on Saturdays, closed Sundays).

    I also looked into car sharing. I forget the name of the service but I’ve spoken with people who have rented out their cars for it. It’s a scam. People have had thousands of dollars withdrawn from their bank accounts for minor body damage without warning and without evidence that they were responsible.

  • For about ten years prior to 2020, I only had a company car. I’ve gone the past four without a car but I’m looking around for something to make it easier to visit family and take short trips.

    Not only is the cost of a new car mindmelting, all the crap they put in them now is detrimental to me considering anything made in the past few years. I would sooner opt for a car with roll down windows and an AM radio than have to drive down the street with a giant computer screen shining in my face pinging me with all sorts of distractions. And that’s coming from someone who spent over ten years installing car stereos and remote starts, etc.

    I don’t know what to do either. I’m looking at cars made around 2010-2015. I’d probably drive less than 2,000 miles a year but I’d still worry about wasting money on something that isn’t going to last me at least ten years. I also have a thing for cars that feel good to drive, typically German cars, so these cheap little Hyundais and such probably aren’t something I’d consider.

  • I’m the opposite. I don’t need to see my Gen Z relatives desperate pleas for attention.

    My boomer relatives are relatively liberal and don’t feel the need to share more than the vacation they’re on, the cocktail they’re drinking, or their high score on candy crush.

    Edit: I assume the downvotes are from butthurt Gen Zers. I don’t mean to generalize, I can’t imagine anyone doing that when discussing an entire generation, I’m simply offering my own personal experience. When my cousin is posting photos of himself in a banana hammock and my sister is posting daily cringe videos of her words of “advice”, AND IG keeps trying to show me this because the algorithm is trash, this keeps me off social media. Right, I should just not “follow” my relatives. Or, I could just stay away entirely. It’s fine.

  • SMS and telephone and IRL.

    I haven’t used Facebook for over ten years. I was using Instagram for a while but the algorithm makes using it utterly pointless.

    Do you really need to be on top of everyone all the time? Give your relationships room to breathe. Allow yourself to have engaging conversations with people to catch up and get to know them and the things that matter most to them. Allow yourself the liberty of not knowing the most ridiculous crap that they choose to share with the world.

    Edit: Oh! I have a friend who I turned on to GroupMe a long time ago. He and his family still use it regularly. So, if you’re looking for something, give that a look.

  • A couple others here have the problem figured out and are echoing what I’ve been saying for years. Swiping is the problem. The addictive gamification of it may be fine for hookups (or just people browsing) but not for finding a potential partner.

    Displaying more people, keeping you on the app for longer, is how these apps sell advertising. It’s about money, not love (especially given that they’re almost all owned by the same company now).

    The more details you can include about yourself, the more data the platform has to understand you, the more likely it should be able to set you up with a partner. This results in far fewer people to choose from (less ad space), but potentially a higher likelihood of making a match.

    Now, this may suggest the solution is a subscription service with some exclusivity and actual effort put into solving a problem for single adults. However, it’s clear that when given the options of a high-quality subscription service or an ad-subsidized inferior option, most people choose the cheaper. And the video streaming services have pointed out that they make more money from ads than they do subscriptions.

    I have other opinions about how so many people are choosing to not interact with people IRL and how this is impacting our self-confidence and ability to function as a giving and empathetic partner. But maybe that’s off topic.