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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • In that warped eschatology subculture, a common belief is that the antichrist will be raised in the church and come to power by deceiving the church into thinking he’s a prophet or messianic figure. Basically any authoritarian they choose to follow is the perfect figure to fit their beliefs. With Trump, for instance, they can point to “Christian” actions like blind support for Israel as the representatives of the original “chosen people” or his role in anti-choice enforcement or any us-vs-them conflict action that makes them feel like they are the current chosen people. Then if he turns out to be just another bad person who deceived them, they’ll mark it off as a fluke, immediately forget all the evil they helped him do, and look for the next antichrist candidate.

    Evangelicalism is a very sinister belief system. They literally want the rapture/tribulation to come about as soon as possible, preferably in their lifetime. They don’t actually care about any of the people they think are non-chosen. I would say the Calvinists/Reformed Protestants are even worse, because they believe the verses about some people being ordained before birth to be “elected” by God to be saved without any say of their own, and the vast majority of people are also predestined for eternal destruction (https://www.learnreligions.com/five-point-calvinism-700356).

    And they all vote.

  • I love self-checkout. I’ve only gone through a regular checkout line about a dozen times when self-checkout was available at a store but backed up, and haven’t had a single fast or good experience. The small talk is depressing, they’re so much slower at scanning and keying in produce codes I’ve memorized by now, their bagging strategy is always abysmal, and unless the line is empty (which, it almost never is), you have not just 1 but 2 people to throw a wrench in the gears of getting checked out. About a quarter of the time the buyer in front doesn’t have any basic estimate of how much the stuff they’re trying to buy costs, and they end up putting back milk, eggs, and produce but keeping the pack of cigarettes when the card is rejected.

    The waiting isn’t nearly as bad as the bagging, honestly. I would never put a carton of eggs in its own bag when there are loaves of bread or bags of chips lined up right behind it on the belt. I would never mix refrigerated foods in the same bag as drain cleaner, or go willy nilly mixing pantry items in paper packaging with frozen foods.

  • I think you have too much faith in the knowledge and scientific curiosity of the average person.

    I sat through years of hard science classes with biology majors who mosty graduated with honors, most who went on to complete graduate or medical schools, and almost all of them still don’t believe that evolution is valid beyond “microevolution.” It’s the overarching and underpinning theory for all of biology and its subdomains, it’s the only theory available that successfully predicts all of the experimental results in the life sciences, and all it took to convince them evolution is completely wrong is a couple paragraphs about Lamarck and giraffes and Haeckel and embryos.

    I would say those people all have an above average understanding of science, but still don’t understand the scientific method and how science constantly improves on itself.

  • It is crazy. I live in an area where the Republicans have so much voter support, my own vote has been essentially worthless for years on all government matters that affect my community and daily life from ward to school district to city to county to state level, not even including the insane reactionary stuff that you read about us at the national level. And I still keep voting and trying to talk so-called “libertarian” friends and family out of their blind authority worship and anti-everything-that-is-not-exactly-like-me attitude (which they call “woke” in a purely derogatory way). When I stand in line at a polling location I try to convince myself I’m not actually crazy for thinking there’s a slim chance my vote means anything. But it is crazy. It feels hopeless. And if I move to a more reasonable area, it’ll skew this area just a tiny bit more red. The whole scenario is lose-lose.