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Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • US government jobs. Find something you’re interested in, get some education, take the civil service exams, profit.

    When I was early 20s, I wanted to get rich quick. Followed my dad into insurance, even though I had no interest or sales skills. Learned a lot! And dad was a stunning salesman. Made about every penny off referrals, because he hooked people up with products that worked for them, not a monolithic company. (He represented 20 or so firms.)

    Yeah. Easing into IT worked out, and I’m doing well, but looking at where I’m at 30 years later, fuck me, I should have stuck with forestry and been a ranger. I’d probably be retired by now and raking in pay. Benefits out the ass, all that. Imagine how healthy I would be after 20-years of ranger work! I’m OK now, despite a “sinful” life. :) Then I could retire to my dream job, being a campground host at a national or state park. LOL, live on a lake and tell the kids to keep it quiet and keep the beer on the downlow. Walk around killing the occasional fire ant mound.

    And while we’re at it, US military. God. Damn. I could have learned IT properly, retired after 20-years in, came back and consulted for the DoD. My bf in high school went in a fat body, came out hard, spent a couple of years active, then went National Guard.

    Retired after a few years in, and then once a month on exercises, he’s fucking loaded. Retired at 39. Collects classic cars for kicks.

    And for those of you who think “military” = “combat”, LOL no, most of you couldn’t get into combat if you tried. He only saw “light” combat in central America, in the early 90’s (we were not in El Salvador, did not happen!) He got in the fight because he begged for it.

  • Preach. They unilaterally decided that a .22 rifle I bought, perfectly legally, like a few million of us, was now a “short barreled rifle” and a federal offense. That was my first taste of their bullshit.

    They invited public comment, which resulted in much, “Uh. No. BS.” And then did it anyway.

    This wasn’t like the EPA making a call to stop pollution. This was a call to make a wimpy gun a federal offense. Now we could have registered them, hell, even skipped the $200 tax stamp if done by $date.

    And if any of you see no issue with registering guns, let me leave you with this: Trump might win.

  • Fired and unfired pistol, rifle and shotgun ammo. I think I could give an interesting talk on the differences and the history of various cartridges, no fine details, only a broad overview. To keep it fun, I’d sprinkle in lots of things most people probably don’t know.

    For example, did you know an AR-15 round is actually kinda wimpy, especially compared to a typical hunting round? In some states, ARs are illegal to hunt with because the bullet is deemed too small to make a clean kill. It’s basically a hauling ass .22.

    And .22s are a neat topic by themselves. There’s crazy variety out there, even tracers!

  • Best advice here. An offer is just that, an offer. Not sure how negotiating benefits would work, never known that to be done, kinda written in stone at OP’s level. (Worked IT for a payroll firm, benefit exceptions just don’t happen, it’s a nightmare for several reasons.) But OP should ask for more pay to offset, that’s 100% doable.

    For you young folk who may not have experience: What they say they’ll pay is the bottom. If you take it, good for them. Hit 'em higher, higher than you expect. If they’re truly interested, they’ll meet you in the middle.

    I’m such a dumbass, HR was literally shaken giving me an offer ($70K), double what I had been making at my then current job. As in, worried I’d be offended. I played it off like, “That should work to start. Let’s see where it goes from there.” While my heart was slamming…

    Fuck me. I should have aimed WAY higher! “That’s in the zone, but I understand my peers with the same experience can expect $85-90K.” Promise I would have scored $80K, easy. 4-years later and I just now topped that figure.

    This is normal life, nothing to be stressed about. Ask for the damned money. It’s expected. No one’s handing $ out just because you’re a great person.

    LOL, my new boss gets me laughing every week. We went from a cost center to dragging in a couple of million a year. Know why? He tells customers, and our management, and the CEO, to get fucking bent. “That’s not our company’s mission, nor is it my team’s job. If $customer wants it, $customer will sign a contract agreeing to pay $X. If you will not do this, you will expand my team. And here’s what that will cost…” The sales team is torqued off that us lowly techs are pulling more than them.

    Last week I went to deploy a replacement server for free, standard stuff. Boss: “No. Do not send that. Let me talk to $customer’s account manager.” Now it’s $800 to $customer. And guess who will be arguing more money for the team (and me) next go round? Guess who gets to put, “Made company $X, and saved company $Y on the following initiatives…” Dolla dolla bill y’all.

    tl;dr: Ask for the fucking money.

  • Next pandemic? We’re more fucked than that right now today.

    Fuck me, we got measles making a comeback. Y’all, I’m 53 and honestly don’t know what measles is. For us kids, it was ancient history like smallpox. We didn’t care.

    “Be thankful you’ll never have to suffer that!”

    “OK dad. Can I play Atari or I gotta rake leaves first?”

    Grandparents raised me and I remember mom, who hadn’t a clue or care about science, extolling the virtues of the polio vaccine. She told me how fearful parents and children were and what a godsend Jonas Salk was. Can’t remember what she said, but it stuck in my little mind. Kids didn’t dare go swimming together for fear of being paralyzed, or landing in an iron lung. I’d seen pictures of those things. Fucking shoot me.

    Had my first kid at 42, well before the pandemic, but well after these nimrods got traction. Everywhere we went we were bombarded with vaccine advice and posters and pamphlets. Honestly, it was annoying as fuck.

    Yet another nurse was bugging about vaccinating our daughter, talking about “evidence-based medicine”, cut her off midsentence, “Hit her with everything ya got, on schedule. Just let us know when.” Wife was smiling and nodding right along. LOL, nurse literally had her mouth hanging open.

    Jesus Christ on a flaming kayak, can you imagine a nurse trying to talk my mom into vaccinating me in the 70s?! Mom with a puzzled look, “That’s fine. Can we do this today? Wednesday is my grocery shopping day.”

    And don’t start me on “evidence-based medicine”. I’m mad as hell such a phrase exists. “You know what they call alternative medicine that’s been proved to work? Medicine.”